Thursday, September 3, 2020

Caltex Star Mart Vision for Technology in Supermarket

Question: Portray About the Caltex star shop Vision for innovation in market? Answer: Caltex Star Mart is one of the main accommodation store serving the clients in different pieces of the world with universally refined administrations. With a gigantic encounter and extraordinary administrations, the stores have incorporated components of correspondence and innovation inside their general activities to upgrade their client support understanding. With the consideration of data and correspondence innovation in the matter of grocery store, there have been negligible odds of human blunders which have additionally improved the productivity of the works done. Caltex Star Mart have perceived the significance of IT office in giving forefront systems to companys achievement and as an impetus for imaginative activities in the organization. The organization ought to coordinate IT into their center systems and operational plans (Qiang, 2006) in order to remain skilled in the general store industry and draw in the clients towards their image for enhancing the brand esteem. They key is to use the highlights of data and correspondence innovation to coordinate with the inclinations of the clients and to remain in front of the patterns unfailingly. The utilization of data and correspondence innovation joins the possible clients to the store and back off their shopping experience. The sites for the grocery store gives the potential clients the most recent items offered the store just as complete data related with it. Who might not have any desire to think about the amount, value, substance and everything related with the item well ahead of time and settle on close to home decisions? A portion of the markets additionally offer plans for the item accessible at their store to pull in an enormous client base (Abramovsky, 2006). Th e general store have visualized the significant and significant job of data and correspondence innovation to carry the advertising to the degree of cell phones and make applications that can additionally make the way toward purchasing at only a single tick away. Facebook, Twitter and what not are in the rundown of internet based life showcasing destinations for these organizations which is additionally a shelter by the utilization of ICT! General stores are paying notice to the partiality of clients towards innovation by opening up different ways and entryways for compelling correspondence (Basl, 2009). The urgent presentation of big business asset arranging, client relationship advertising, the executives data framework and other advanced advances, business have advanced at an exponential rate and have gone into imaginative components of the business world. Consideration of standards of innovation into the general store business have made it workable for the organization to stretch out its domain from Australia to different pieces of the world as well. IT has a significant task to carry out to enhance the business with imaginative strategies and to overcome the market with one more procedure conceived out of the innovativeness soaked up because of the endowment of ICT in business. The estimation of IT in business is endless so is its extent is. IT goes about as an empowering agent of upper hand, a facilitator for new markets (Hoogervorst, 2002), impetus for nimble turn of events, enhancer of nature of dynamic, support for the business frameworks, hotspot for chance decrease and a mechanism for client commitment. References: Qiang, C. Z. W., Clarke, G. R., Halewood, N. (2006). The job of ICT in doing business.Global Trends and Policies,57. Abramovsky, L., Griffith, R. (2006). Re-appropriating and offshoring of business administrations: How significant is ICT?.Journal of the European Economic Association,4(2㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ 3), 594-601. Basl, J., Gla, L. (2009). The job of ICT in business innovation.IDIMT-2009 System and HumansA Complex Relationship, 67-76. Hoogervorst, J. A., Koopman, P. L., Flier, H. V. D. (2002). Human asset methodology for the new ICT-driven business context.International Journal of Human Resource Management,13(8), 1245-1265.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Reverse Offshoring from India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Turn around Offshoring from India - Essay Example Redistributing was a pattern which showed move of work which was of low innovation and little wages to an organization or a country which gave such advantages. (Frauenheim, (2005). Today progressively with issues of picking up H1B visas for movement and requirement for creating nearby skills just as the smoothing of wages in some top of the line class of employments Indian IT organizations have graduated to the second degree of re-appropriating, turn around re-appropriating. (Turn around re-appropriating, 2004). In this way Infosys Technologies and TCS intended to recruit more than 55,000 laborers in 2004-2005. (Turn around redistributing, 2004). This pattern supposedly is commonly helpful as representatives in the West are progressively consumed by Indian IT firms. Representative for Infosys a main IT consultancy firm from India affirmed this pattern, ascribing it to utilizing India's efficiency with moderate counseling administrations in the United States. (Millard, 2004). Redistributing according to Harmonize, Hostetler, Middleton (2003) is certifiably not another training however its theoretical advancement has maybe come to fruition after rise of IT. IT being a center innovation region, organizations had throughout the years thought that it was simpler to re-appropriate as opposed to make in house capacities. This pattern was apparent in little just as large organizations. (Antonucci, 1998). Driving Indian organizations as TCS and Wipro have been significant recipients of re-appropriating throughout the years. As Ryans (1996) shows, the explanations behind re-appropriating are clear for organizations receiving rewards of center fitness of an organization or its staff and staying away from in house gradual addition of aptitudes just as labor. The pattern of converse redistributing rises up out of the requirement for reducing expenses just as building up a progressively adjusted plan of action which can support the client situated at various areas over the globe. This was additionally one of the essential reason for creating re-appropriating as an idea in the underlying years. (Garaventa. Tellefsen, 2001). Kelley and Jude (2005) battle that as redistributing is a piece of business the need is to concentrate on the way toward settling on fitting choices instead of the expenses of doing as such. This is clearly obvious in the choice of Indian IT organizations embracing reverse redistributing. The parity of expenses versus reserve funds has maybe driven these organizations to lead this profoundly testing model of business where they can use their center capability. The development of opposite re-appropriating as a characteristic type of development in business is likewise apparent according to Baldo (2004). Talking about the up and coming rivalry among China and India, Baldo (2004) fights that as India turns out to be increasingly capable in ingestion of business redistributing; the business levels at which this happens is a lot greater, along these lines prompting a move of low end work to different nations as China hence building up the pattern of converse re-appropriating. The pattern of opposite re-appropriating therefore suggests audit and return of work by IT organizations in India to US firms or representatives so as to use favorable circumstances picked up from abilities just as social affinities of neighborhood populace in the nation of origin. In this manner having increased tremendous agreements from worldwide business bargains, these organizations think that its advantageous to turn around redistribute occupations gave by Western firms to local people along these lines empowering more prominent infiltration of the nearby market. (Invert, Nd). Gupta (2005), CEO of Inkorus posting on

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Gangnam Style Speech Free Essays

In the event that the expression â€Å"Oppa Gangnam Style† doesn’t mean anything to you yet, you might need to Google it or get some information about it, or you’ll be left asking why everybody is bouncing all over on imperceptible ponies. The mix of appealing riffs and the cliché yet-hip move moves made the music video by Korean craftsman Psy (short for â€Å"Psycho†) the most â€Å"liked† YouTube video ever. Who is this Psy? Where precisely is Gangnam and what is its style? Indeed, I have all the responses for you. We will compose a custom article test on Gangnam Style Speech or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Today, I’d like to share you about Gangnam Style including a man behind Gangnam Style, the significance of Gangnam Style, and its accomplishments. Initial, a man behind gangnam style. Park Jae Sang, known as PSY, is a Korean hip jump craftsman under YG Entertainment. He appeared in January 2001 with his full-length collection titled â€Å"PSY†¦ From the Psycho World! â€Å", for which he later needed to pay fine because of allegations saying that the collection contains â€Å"inappropriate contents†. From that point forward PSY has become a questionable craftsman as his subsequent collection was even restricted in 2002. Be that as it may, he increased a lot of fans with his style of music. He is particularly well known for his comical inclination. In summer 2012, PSY propelled himself into a worldwide fame through â€Å"Gangnam Style,† the melody that he composed, formed and delivered without anyone else. The term â€Å"Gangnam Style† was recorded in Time’s week by week jargon list as a way connected with extravagant ways of life in Seoul’s Gangnam locale. Gangnam is where rich and in vogue youngsters get together. This tune portrays a person who needs to be cool and smart like a common Gangnam individual, yet in the end comes up short. Psy said in a meeting that he expected a bent comical inclination by asserting himself to be â€Å"Gangnam Style† when everything about the tune, move, looks, and the music video is a long way from being such a high class. â€Å"People who are really from Gangnam never broadcast that they areâ€it’s just the wannabes that put on these pretense and state that they are â€Å"Gangnam Style†Ã¢â‚¬so this melody is really making jokes about those sorts of individuals who are making a decent attempt to be something that they’re not. † †Psy. Presently we think about Psy and Gangnam Style progressively, correct? Third, let’s talk about the accomplishments of the melody and its going with music video â€Å"Gangnam Style† was perceived by Guinness World Records as the most â€Å"liked† video in YouTube history and won Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards. The melody arrived at the main situation in excess of 30 nations including Canada, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. As though that’s insufficient, Psy himself visited the U. N. also, instructed Gangnam Style move moves to Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. Together, they rode imperceptible ponies. As indicated by the United Nations, PSY has become a â€Å"international sensation† through his tune â€Å"Gangnam Style Psy is a long way from the word â€Å"handsome† yet he decided not to have a plastic medical procedure. He had sort of an intense hurry to this point. As we as a whole realize that Korean music is extraordinarily centered around looks, and Psy is definitely not an attractive person, so he needed to work his way to the top. It took him six collections to turn into a whiz. I appreciate Psy a great deal since he is consistent with himself. He helped me to remember Sebastian’s line in The Little Mermaid that â€Å"You got your own style, presently let it come through. What's more, recollect regardless, you got the opportunity to be you. â€Å" Instructions to refer to Gangnam Style Speech, Essay models

Women and Men and Public Space Hilda Rix Nicholas and Henri Matisse in Morocco Essay Example For Students

Ladies and Men and Public Space: Hilda Rix Nicholas and Henri Matisse in Morocco Essay Arranging painting in the Soko in Tangier One of the most fascinating parts of Hilda Rixs painting in Tangier, and one whereupon I will center in this article, is the manner by which she arranged artistic creation openly spaces in Morocco. All painters were dependent upon an antagonistic investigation in mid twentieth-century Morocco whether they were male or female. The order against the creation of pictures which was clung to by severe Muslims implied that any composition in broad daylight places must be done carefully and in a way which indicated appreciative affirmation of the extravagance given by nearby individuals to the craftsman. On the off chance that anybody indicated uneasiness Rix quickly stopped drawing or painting; she stuffed her materials and anticipated a progressively lucky second. We will compose a custom article on Women and Men and Public Space: Hilda Rix Nicholas and Henri Matisse in Morocco explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Her anxiety about artistic creation and attracting open is passed on in a record she introduced to her mom that included a conversation of the exceedingly wet climate that she had experienced. Both she and Matisse complain about the severe climate. The downpour that welcomed them on their appearance in Tangier endured, leading Matisse to mourn in a letter to his companion Gertrude Stein from the Hotel Villa de France: Since Monday at three when we showed up, until today, Saturday, it has down-poured constantly will we ever observe the sun in Morocco? (3) Arriving seven days after the fact, Hilda and the Tanners appeared to have fared better, despite the fact that, at different focuses, Hilda Rix stressed over the time lost for painting because of the downpour. At the point when her sister Elsie joined Hilda for her second excursion to Tangier in 1914, she additionally whined to their mom: Do you know mother it is coming down terribly. Everybody says they never realized such a wet season. Isnt it infuriating? (Elsie Rix, letter to Elizabeth Rix, 13 March 1914). Blustery climate drove Hilda into surprising circumstances, for example, when, not long after her appearance, she needed to take shelter in a little bistro. In an undated letter she described to her family in London her culturally diverse trade, uncovering her dread of overstepping the law and kidding about being caught and taken into an array of mistresses: It made advances on downpour abruptly and forcefully, and I slipped into a little shop where I have warmed up to the owners, a little French lady, and asked may I cover from the downpour, But positively Mile, with joy! In a second, enter two Moors, enormous moderately aged significant looking. Detected my drawing on the counter (where it was drying, having got wet). Without a moment's delay the bigger Moor jumped upon it and gestured to meHe took a gander at composing on my divider at that point took cautiously a letter from his pocket, tore the edge from it, gradually, cautiously with the pen from counter made initial an intricate edge, with bends little ornamentationsthen relentlessly worked out a full right version of the notification on my divider, and seriously introduced itto me. The grave business of composing (which runs from option to left of the page)took at any rate twenty minutes. I took his thoughtful work, removed a little piece the clear finish of the paper composed Th ank you definitely, in English offered it to him. He got a man in the shop to make an interpretation of to request that I sign it with my name We both bowed and stashed our keepsake. The translator revealed to me that the large Moor was a notaire, that the notification on the divider was about a veterinary specialist who could do all way of awesome remedies for cows and so forth. I was frightened after, for a second in case the notaire wished my name to run me into jail for tormenting the individuals in the market by continually frequenting them with my sketch square and ammo bagorI knew not whatbut he was so huge and forcing, and did everything with such a twist! Anyway a few days have passed I am not flown into an array of mistresses or stolensoall is well. Dread of making pictures aside, Rix had the option to deliver an enormous scope of pictures that demonstrated the two people out in the open engaged with the business life of Tangier. Her portrayals of outfit and habits are cautious, and she obviously had an enthusiasm for recording and passing on ethnographic detail: The sun is grand, the sky is delicate blue white butterflies are moving noticeable all around I see a gathering of magnificent individuals relaxing in the daylight at the foot of white Moorish Arch. One youthful Moor in dull cinnamon hued burnouse, his hood pulled over his headAnother in curious cream woolen shirt issue, short mauve Trousers, Tight into the knees over his exposed brilliant legs. Around his shaven head is wound a Turban of earthy colored twine weaved with merrily hued blossoms. His huge earthy colored since quite a while ago lashed eyes are hitting the dance floor with fiendishness tho loaded up with vagueness. His nose is straight his lips well shapen. (Undated letter to Elisabeth and Elsie Rix, presumably February 1912) The hints of a woodwind advanced toward her, as her eyes settled upon a gathering of more established men smoking a shisha pipe (hookah): .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e , .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e .postImageUrl , .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e , .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e:hover , .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e:visited , .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e:active { border:0!important; } .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e:active , .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e:hover { murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } . u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u15d76390b4b6497ad a73093c58648a6e .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u15d76390b4b6497ada73093c58648a6e:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Space Age Technology Essayoh what best of silverly notes float up to my ears. There is a more established red whiskery, dazzle Moor who is smoking the most unusual funnel its stem is long its bowl the size of a thimblecertainly it appears the channel of harmony for it goes from one to the next of the gathering each drawing a couple of lethargic puffs there from. Lodging Villa de France was their place of living arrangement on this and ensuing campaigns to Tangier: Matisse in October of 1912 and Hilda when she went with Elsie in February of 1914. Hildas second letter from the Hotel Villa de France in 1912 relates the start of her work routine and her joy at her advancement with portraying: Buckled down in the (commercial center) throughout the day todayDid two outlines at the beginning of today and one this afternoon(could show all). Am getting swing of things now. Individuals are splendidit is similarly as simple to fill in as in Etaples showcase. Just so energizing in light of the thousand activities. Have done just a single thing yet. Need to feel totally comfortable first. Gracious I love this placeit is great for workand too the inn is extremely pleasant. View from rooftop great!!! Recently went jackass ride (all the gathering) out into the nation. Returned with arms weighed down with blue irises and white padded bloom. My wont I have a horde of portrayals to show you. Matisseâ was additionally captivated by the verdure of Tangier, painting irises in his lodging, yet he avoided the commercial center. Maybe he found the consideration of the slow down holders and the marketgoers meddling. It is likewise conceivable that Hilda Rix, as a lady, was less a subject of investigation than any male craftsman, particularly on the off chance that he had started to paint pictures of ladies. That may well have pulled in more negative response than any picture that Hilda painted. Matisse had never painted the clamoring urban life and only sometimes wandered into basic regions to paint en plein air, favoring insides, representations, nudes and figure studies, and scenes. In Tangier, the security of the Hotel Villa de France, and later the Villa Brooks, fit him. All through his profession he examined blossoms and plants, painting botanical investigations and still lifes to a degree that was strange for a male craftsman of his height. His imaginative utilizatio n of the flower theme was surely fundamental to his virtuoso, and in the last piece of his vocation it ruled his training. Tangier gave him the chance to enjoy his energy. Confined by the climate, he painted some still-life creations in his lodging, from the blossoms accessible in the market and in the nurseries around the inn. Le container diris (1912) is on

Friday, August 21, 2020

Organic electronic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Natural electronic - Essay Example Conventional hardware, including the utilization of inorganic channels, including copper and silicon, presents an utilization of materials that are heavier and more costly than conductive polymers and natural semiconductors incorporate dielectrics, conduits and light producers that have numerous and fluctuated applications in the field of gadgets (Sun, 2008, Chapter 5) and (Wikipedia, 2010, â€Å"Organic Electronics†). Effectively, natural hardware based presentations utilizing natural light emanating diodes have discovered their way into vehicle radios, and so on., with fast enhancements expected in natural field impact transistors. As per distributed reports, the market for natural materials will be worth US$ 4.9 billion on 2012, and this will flood to US$15.8 billion in the year 2015 (Allen, 2008, Pp. 6). The recently referenced creator expresses that new sorts of semiconductor materials, including rubrene, mixture materials and details made of carbon nanotubes will keep on prodding the market to develop to US$4.9 billion constantly 2015, with the natural electronic substrate business developing to US$ 6.9 billion. As per NanoMarkets (2007, Natural Harvest: Opportunities in Organic Electronic Materials), 80% of natural electronic materials will be sold into the RFID, show backplanes and Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) lighting and shows applications. Be that as it may, as per the recently referenced report, if natural hardware is to proceed headed straight toward progress, it should copy the conventional semiconductor industry and develop a natural rendition of CMOS with its own steady material sets. Along these lines, firms represent considerable authority in materials for hardware and natural electronic materials must offer business amounts of n-type semiconductors and natural dielectrics. Likewise, the recently referenced report recommends that for

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


tEpikazoo In the past three months, my relationship to cooking has swerved from reticent affection to soul-consuming infatuation. Apologies before I go any further: if you expected me to write about physics, or midterms, or having too much work to do, or hilarious mistakes in my problem sets, or what Noam Chomsky thinks about you, sorry to disappoint. I intend to rhapsodize about a slice of sweet, crunchy red apple dipped in balsamic vinegar and dusted with cayenne pepper. The first time I slivered the crisp pink flesh into a pool of red-freckled $11.99-per-bottle-balsamic, a tableful of faces stared in suspended disbelief, munchlessly unaware of how sleekly each succulent slice melted into pulpy, fibery bliss. The symphonic scherzo of flavors started with a childish grapeyness, seguing slowly into the mature musk of well-aged Costco-quality imported vinegar, followed by the buttery sweetness of ripe apple meat, and finally dissolving into the passive-aggresive heat of cayenne powder. The resu lt was wild and bipolar, or maybe tripolar, yet glamorous in a brutal Russian sort of way. Somewhat reminiscent of Shostakovichs later symphonies. I offered a slice to Li Brunetto 12, who tasted it and replied, very thoughtfully, “This tastes like detergent.” Thats how I lost my fear of cooking. Li notwithstanding, I ended up becoming the chef on Saturdays at pika last quarter. A bit of background: pika, a 30-person independent living group snuggled in the backwoods of residential Cambridge, boasts one of the most ferocious kitchens at MIT. Knives galore, a meat locker, several fridges, an industrial-grade sink, pots large enough to double as seafaring (riverfaring?) vessels on the Charles, three bread machines, a Costco membership, and a wok that probably appeared during one of the battle scenes in Lord of the Rings allow pika to run a meal plan 7 days a week, year-round, with over 40 members. Every Saturday, Id arrive at 4:00 pm, brimming with gastronomical illusions, take one look at the unbeautiful mountain of dishes in the sink, suffer a bout of depression, run the dishwasher several times, run downstairs to the pantry/meat freezer/fridge, and then realize that the bunch of fresh organic radishes whom Id cast as the lead actress in my production of Citrus and Radish Con fit was actually a bunch of beets. I swear, I must have been absent on the day in kindergarten when they taught you how to identify vegetables. *This phrase is the proud winner of the Understatement of the Month Award. Ding! Anyway, after figuring out why the giant white tomatoes with the multilayered skins were making my eyes water, Id chop, broil, bake, fry, boil, season, blend, stir, and sample for two and a half hours until dinner was served for 30+ people. By which I mean that I pretended to be Mark Bittman and penned dining section articles for the New York Times in my head while delegating all the actual work to Ben, my cooking assistant. The results ranged from disastrous (oversalted garlic eggplant) to spectacular (coconut curry chicken), but all that truly matters is that Ben inevitably almost lost a finger due to some unfortunate chopping accident and ended up smelling like garlic every week. Did I say that out loud? I mean, all that matters is that every Saturday, we sat down to a delightful home-cooked meal. (There was also a second chef who did a large chunk of the cooking and bought the groceries, but Id prefer to not give him credit. Sorry, Jared. You can start your own blog. Besides, you spent like 3/4ths of the time re-organizing the spices to be in alphabetical order by Latin name or something.) To celebrate Bens continued ownership of all ten digits on his right hand (Im not saying anything about the left), heres a list of my favorite recipes so far, each one in ten words or less: -Apple and sour cream borscht (serve with a loaf of warm, dense pumpernickel freshly kneaded and baked by one of your three bread machines, just like the Russians used to do.) -Jamaican jerk tofu baked with green apple slices -Roasted black bean and sweet potato salad -Savory olive oil, coconut, and pistachio granola (the trick is to use roughly equal parts salt, cardamom, and cinnamon) -Curried cauliflower flatbread with roasted onions and sprouts -Korean BBQ ribs (keep it simple) -Chicken simmered in chocolate almond mole -Asiago beer bread -Cumin braised lamb -Pork chops with apple and red wine reduction -Coconut curry chicken -Spicy roasted chickpeas -Strawberries with balsamic and black pepper (I havent served this yet, but its among the most dazzling flavor trios ever, rivaled by only Peanut, Butter, and Jelly*.) (*Not really. Sometimes, you just dont want that extra comma there.) Much to my horror, I discovered a few weeks ago that I was slotted to cook for tEpikazoo, an 80-person feast for three of MITs hungriest living groups (tEp, pika, and Tetazoo). If Ayn Rand had to be a dinner organized and cooked entirely by college students, she would be tEpikazoo. Specifically, she would be Spangs Seitan Pot Pie, which not only stimulated the consumers (pie-eaters) to produce value (pie crusts) but also was large enough to feed a small capitalist nation. Luckily, tEpikazoo was a tEpikasuccess thanks to the work of head chef Spang 10 and a miniature army of volunteers from pika, East Campus, tEp, Senior Haus, and Random Hall. As soon as I tEpikazoomed over to pika after my last class on Friday afternoon, I was tEpikastounded by the frantic whirl of carrot-chopping, potato-peeling, pasta-boiling, falafel-rolling, apple-slicing, soupmaking, cheese-grating and just about every other compound gerund that happens to sound delicious. [Editors note: Ive decided that using truncations of “tEpikazoo” as prefixes would not be tEpikacceptable if it werent so tEpikaddictive.] Did I mention the automized apple-slicer? It was hardcore enough to core the hardest apples. Zing! I think Ive reached my literary device quota for the year. Maita 10 cooked a trough of wonderful German potato salad. True story: I once failed a calculus quiz in high school because I had no idea what a trough looked like and therefore couldnt integrate over its volume. I think I just assumed that it looked like a rectangular prism, or maybe an ice cream cone. I baked two batches of beer bread, a form of carbohydrate that contains another form of carbohydrate. (The beer actually replaces the yeast in ordinary quick breads.) I am told that the beer was “German” and “stout” by the purchaser. Anyway, the first batch tasted stout but not as German as the potatoes. The second was generously smothered in asiago, parmesan, and another cheese from Trader Joes whose name made me feel suddenly francophobic. Although the homely German stoutness of the bread was muffled by a strong whiff of asiago, just like the German Empire was historically muffled by the strength of the Italian kingdom in the Austro-Prussian war, the creamy-savory blend of flavors was marvelous. As expected, Spangs prolific Seitan Pot Pie was stunning, sort of like the 100-page rant at the end of Atlas Shrugged except much more enjoyable and buttery. For dessert, I dished out four bacon apple pies, as featured in the New York Times. (The reporter mentioned it for about 1/4th of a sentence, but I like to prolong my fleeting moments of celebrity.) For dessert #2, denizens of East Campus set crepes on fire. Classy! At some point during the night, I announced my long-awaited decision to join pika by scrawling “I PLEDGE!!!” on a roll of paper towels, which I then hurled into a packed dining room. Unfortunately, instead of sailing triumphantly through the cool autumn air, the banner of extra-strength paper towels broke in mid-flight, leaving me with “I PL” and someone on the other side of the room with “EDGE!!!” One quick-witted observer, who no doubt was a Scrabble champion, pieced together my message and yelled it to the room, initiating a rib-cracking round of hugs and congratulations. As with all spontaneous celebrations, this one inspired blurry spur-of-the-moment photos that, upon closer inspection, are actually sort of creepy. (Im the headless pink-and-black blur on the left. Thats another sentence I never expected to utter.) On that note, Ill leave you with the Unrelated Problem Set Typo of the Week, courtesy of 8.07. [Professor Belcher labels this, “one of the strangest trig identities in equation (7.5.2) of Problem 5 that I have ever seen (it is also totally wrong).”] Anyway, as the kids these days would say, I ROFLed. Post Tagged #pika #tEp

Monday, June 22, 2020

Sociology Gay Marriage - 275 Words

Sociology: Gay Marriage (Essay Sample) Content: Gay Marriage Name: Institution: Gay Marriage Same-sex marriage is a subject that continually causes mixed reactions in many countries all over the world (Massaquoi, 2013). There is a lot of controversies and talk surrounding the right to love. One clear fact is that we all live in a free world, guided by individual choices. Therefore, nobody should restrict another personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s right to socialize, not even love (Gerstmann, 2004). Gay marriages are now legal in some states the United States of America (Lind et al. 2016). However, gay couples remain outcasts in most international countries. Not only are they discriminated but also condemned, jailed and others killed for their sexual orientation. It is a barbaric act to discriminate, hate or even murder another by their sexual orientation. After all, we live in a free world devoid of colonization. Matters of love are personal and not restricted to one gender. So, not only is it unfair but also homophobic to alienate members of the gay community as recluses. Governments and civil society groups should push equality and ensure that gay marriage is inscribed in their constitutions. Marrying a fellow man or woman does not make a person less human. In fact, gay marriages are a sign of a communityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s embrace of diversity. It is true that gay marriages are still taboo in most countries. However, it is inhuman and unfair to victimize those in gay marriages merely because of their choice to love. It is important to note that other factors define a human being, or even a responsible citizen, apart from sexuality. No nation should use sexuality against its citizens. I sympathize with many gay couples who are denied medical care, pension packages or even chased out of their homes for choosing to commit to a person of the same gender. Critics of gay marriages argue that it is untraditional and unreligious. I do not differ. Different people believe different truths. Nonetheless, no society ...

Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Definition of Success Essay example - 496 Words

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.† – Albert Einstein -- My personal definition would not include â€Å"stuff† at all. No one will care (and neither will you) what kind of car your drove or how big your house was when you’re on your deathbed. Your thoughts will not be about your job, the office or how much money you made. Personal success is defined by how content and enjoyable your life is. That is not to say that challenges and disappointments aren’t included in this. A rich, eventful and challenging life doing what you enjoy and positively affecting others seems to me to be just about right. Find a job you love and you’ll never work another day in your life. I know I won’t. In my†¦show more content†¦Past, present and future are all important to keep in perspective. Looking back and not having regrets is extremely satisfying. Your current situation and your contentment with it are also very important, and having goals and milestones to work toward in the future keeps you motivated and keeps life interesting and challenging. In this age in which we live, success is generally measured by the amount of money you earn, or the amount of wealth or power or number of promotions you’ve accumulated. I find that the older I grow, the more I view the people who are most happy and content with their lives as the most successful. Rich, poor or in between, they’ve tended to treat life as a journey, not a final destination. They took that trip when they were 25 even though they really couldn’t afford it, they ordered the $55 bottle of wine with their filet because they knew that even though it was expensive it would enhance the meal so much more than water would. They took a chance on a start-up company, moved to Europe or Asia and experienced things that most people only dream about. If they managed to grow wealthy from the experience, so much the better. As long as moderation with most things is practiced, things won’t spin out of control. Bottom line rules for a successful life: Always try new things. Listen twice as much as you talk. Travel as much as you can comfortably afford. Faith and family always come first —Show MoreRelatedMy Definition of Success Essay933 Words   |  4 Pagespersonality and duplicate it. – Bruce Lee – What is success? Society is always striving for a definition to define it and how others can and have achieved it. This paper will illustrate the definition of success, what makes society success or not success, and what my personal definition of success is. This will show how twisted and materialistic people can really be in today’s world. In the definition success is the achievement of something desired, planned, or attemptedRead MoreEssay on My Definition of Success1046 Words   |  5 Pages In his poem, â€Å"What is Success,† Ralph Waldo Emerson gave priceless insight when he wrote: To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have livedRead MoreMy Definition of Success Essay1399 Words   |  6 Pagesthat person confident, popular, and joyful all of the time—the epitome of mainstream success? Or, on the other hand, is the person stressed, having second thoughts about his life choices, and unsure about the meaning of his life? I am willing to bet that it is the second one. Mainstream marketing and media have effectively brainwashed our society into accepting a false, even potentially dangerous definition of success. Marketers want us to believe that having lots of money, living in a big house, andRead MoreMy Definition of Success Essays2239 Words   |  9 Pagesâ€Å"Success is the peace that comes with knowing your accomplishments have purpose.† – Hutch Putnam – Success is a word that really hard to define, because everyone will have a different definition for this word. In fact, there no exact definition for the word success. For a student, maybe the success means to pass all courses of the semester; for a business man, signing a importance contract and get a lot of money are successes; and for a president, leading the country to develop and make theRead MoreMy Definition of Success Essays499 Words   |  2 Pages When I think of success, I think of a bumper sticker I saw once which read, â€Å"He who dies the most toys wins†. That has always stuck with me because I have never thought of material possessions as the yard stick of my success in life. As everyone wishes, I would like to be comfortable and not always worrying about bills but, extravagance for the sake of status is not success. I think success in a person is defined by happiness and people’s pride in being a good person.Read MoreMy Definition of Success Essay examples504 Words   |  3 PagesWhat is success? To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest crtics and endure the betrayl of flase friends; To appreciate beauty; To find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed  easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded.   – Ralph Waldo Emerson -- I define success by howRead MoreEssay about My Definition of Success557 Words   |  3 PagesSuccess is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill -- Success is defined as the favorable termination of attempts or endeavors and the accomplishment of one’s goals. When I hear the word success, I think of my friend and my teacher, Mrs. Regina Kynes. I consider her successful because she has a strong family, a favorable career, and she is the most generous person that I know. Mrs. Kynes is respected and admired by those who see herRead MoreMy Definition Of Success Has Changed Over The Years Much Simpler At Twenty And Now Essay2539 Words   |  11 Pages My definition of success has changed over the years much simpler at five and sixteen then it was at twenty and now. I imagine it will change many more times in my life, redefining success is part of growing up, part of the process that shapes who we are, as our values change as our goals change our definition of success will also. Defining success is no simple task because what success means to you may be very different than what it means to me, yes it has a general definition that is in theRead MoreEssay on Success: Damaging for the Student Soul1082 Words   |  5 Pages Society’s definition of success is a negative influence on students. This is not to say that obtaining â€Å"success† itself means badly. Rather, it is what society perceives success to be that makes it detrimental. By inherently putting the focus on â€Å"success†, man is essentially putting himself on the road of self-destruction and sabotaging his self-identity. In fact, success is a w ord that should not exist. It is a reflection of man’s over-egoistical need to better than others, and will ultimatelyRead MoreThe American Dream996 Words   |  4 PagesMy definition of American Dream If we ask most Americans what is the American Dream? the common answers are to become successful, rich, owning houses, cars and etc. In other countries, many people see America as a land of opportunities for a better life and that is the reason why they come here. Every individual who come to America have their goals or dreams that they want to fulfill in life that they can not fulfill in their own country. In another word, their American dream are to have better

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Giza Pyramid Site Of Giza - 906 Words

This essay will be examining the World Heritage listed site of â€Å"Memphis and its Necropolis - the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur†, typically referred to as the Giza pyramid site. The Giza pyramid site consists of not only the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx, but also lesser known components such as cemeteries and workers village. The site is located in Giza, close to modern day Cairo in Egypt. Figure 1 below shows the layout of the site The Giza pyramid site is an ancient Egypt burial site. To understand the significance of the Giza pyramid site it is necessary to first understand the rise of Egyptian civilization, and the religious significance of burial customs. Egyptian civilization began when settlers arrived in the fertile Nile valley around 3500 BCE. Oral traditions and history were preserved as written communication in the form of hieroglyphics which developed around 3100 BCE (British Museum, 2016). The deciphering of hieroglyphics in the nineteenth century assisted greatly in understanding the ancient Egyptian world. Initially Egypt was divided into two areas, Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, and the unification of these two areas is considered the start of the dynasties of Egyptian kings (pharaohs). Even before the times of the pharaohs, burial tombs for eminent ancient Egyptians were mastabas (literally â€Å"bench of mud†). These were flat top rectangular structures built over the top of burial chambers set deep underground. The purpose of the mastabaShow MoreRelatedThe Great Pyramid of Giza Essay679 Words   |  3 PagesThe Great Pyramid of Giza Who built the Great Pyramid? The Great Pyramid was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. Khufuwas born in 2589 BC - 2566 BC. His real name was Khnum-khuf meaning the god Khnum is his protection. Khufuwas the son of another great pyramid builder, King Sneferu. Khufus mothers name was Hetepheres. Khufuwas the second king in the 4th dynasty. The Greeks referred Khufu as Cheops When and Where was the Great Pyramid built? The GreatRead MoreThe Great Pyramids Of Giza1026 Words   |  5 Pages The Great Pyramids of Giza By: Brittany Wright ART 101 December 3, 2015 Egypt: This research is on the Ancient Egyptian Culture. Ancient Egypt was located in Northeastern Africa along the Nile River. Egypt was divided into Upper and Lower Egypt from 5000 to 2950 BC; the unification of Egypt was around 3000 BC. Ancient Egypt was around until about 50 BC. The Egyptians are known for many accomplishments; they include: their complex irrigation system, hieroglyphics, and the practiceRead MoreCompare and Contrast between Angkor Wat and the Pyramid of Giza1646 Words   |  7 PagesCompare and Contrast Pyramids of Giza and Angkor Wat â€Å"It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.† By David Allan Coe The quotation above means that the beauty of a building is not as important as the construction of the prototypes of its structure. Basically, the development of its foundations and techniques are more important than those of its attractiveness. Meanwhile, Angkor Wat and Pyramids of Giza are two ancientRead MoreThe Great Pyramid Of Giza930 Words   |  4 PagesGiza, an area located southwest of what is now known as Cairo, is home to one of the most astonishing and mysterious feats of architecture ever assembled, The Great Pyramid. Located approximately 5 miles west of the Nile River near the city of Cairo, Egypt, The Great Pyramid is part of a larger complex called the Giza Necropolis, which also houses the Great Sphinx, and two smaller pyramids. It is said to have been built by the enslaved citizens of Khufu, second ruler of the 4th dynasty, and son ofRead MoreBiblical Landmark Of Ancient Egypt997 Words   |  4 Pageshouse was not present anymore, they would move the ancient land mark set by their ancestors.      Ancient Egypt is one of the world’s great civilizations, the best known for its incredible monumental architecture typified by the pyramids, such as The Great Pyramid of Giza, tombs of pharaohs in the Valley of Kings, ruins of Luxor. But for some of the traditional Egyptian, they refused to believe those incredible structures were man-made, and preferring to describe them as a mythical civilization. AsRead MoreThe Pyramid Of Giza And The Pyramids873 Words   |  4 Pagesearth sciences appear to show that the Great Pyramid was a fantastic gadget for get-together, enhancing, and centering a baffling vitality field for the profound advantage of individuals. We don t know precisely how the pyramid and its principle chamber were utilized, and the geometric structure of the pyramid has been quietly adjusted by the evacuation of the packaging stones and the top stone (Ruggles, 2015). None-the-less, the Great Pyramid of the Giza level still rad iates incredible power as aRead MoreAliens Built the Pyramids713 Words   |  3 PagesAliens built the Egyptian pyramids. Recent research supports the theory that the Pyramids were built long before humans inhabited the area now known as Egypt. It is also nearly impossible for the Egyptians to have lifted and moved the limestone brick used to build these massive structures. Only a more advanced form of life could have constructed such an enormous undertaking, while using advanced mathematics and geography that were not yet known to ancient peoples. Archeologists suggest thatRead MoreThe Pyramids Of Giza Pyramids929 Words   |  4 Pagesthe Great pyramids of Giza. The pyramids of Giza in total are three, these are some of the most famous pyramids in the world and some of the most famous landmarks of Egypt. Growing up I would always think of one day traveling to egypt and climbing to the top. This is why I decided to do my research paper on this work of art and great monument of art history. With this paper I was able to research into detail about; The Great Pyramids of Giza, which include The Pyramid (Pyramid of Khufu)Read MoreThe Great Pyramid Of Giza1382 Words   |  6 Pageswill examine the Great Pyramid of Giza during the Fourth Dynasty, the period in which it was built. My purpose for this topic is to not only educate myself further in the humanities of Ancient Egypt but to also get a better understanding of how the art relates to the people and their lives, I will do so by examining how and when The Great Pyramid of Giza and the surrounding pyramids were built, then how the culture of the people at the time influenced the making of the pyramid, and finally I will discussRead MoreAncient Egypt : The World s Great Civilizations967 Words   |  4 Pageshouse was not present anymore, they would move the ancient landmark set by their ancestors.      Ancient Egypt is one of the world’s great civilizations, the best known for its incredible monumental architecture typified by the pyramids, such as The Great Pyramid of Giza, tombs of pharaohs in the Valley of Kings, ruins of Luxor. But for some of the traditional Egyptian, they refused to believe those incredible structures were man-made, and preferring to describe them as a mythical civilization. As

Monday, May 11, 2020

Special Needs Patients For Dental Treatment - 1895 Words

Sedating Special Needs Patients for Dental Treatment â€Å"Too many times we see special needs patients who have been held down, papoosed and head-boarded while receiving brief treatment at other offices. While we understand that the care of these individuals can be challenging, they shouldn’t be shortchanged by a quick cleaning, no x-rays or an extraction instead of saving a tooth because that office can’t stabilize the individual in a comfortable and humane fashion.† (Dr.Kaminski) Patients with disabilities and special needs deserve the same kind of dental care as a patient who does not. Special needs patients require more care and attention than patients that do not have special needs or disabilities. Patients with medical conditions that†¦show more content†¦Patients with physical or mental disabilities should be sedated in order for them to get the proper dental care that they need because they may not be able to cooperate during the procedure. As stated by Dr.Bain, D.D.S, Patients with medical condit ions such as Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy may have physical limitations that keep them from sitting comfortably in the patient chair and staying still during dental treatment. Patients with physical disabilities may have a hard time remaining calm. The physical disability of the special needs patient may cause them to fidget and move around a lot. This can make it more difficult for them to keep their head straight or their mouth open for the dentist. In addition, patients that lack good communication skills may also have a hard time cooperating with treatment because they are unable to communicate to the dental staff or their caregiver any discomfort or pain they feel during treatment. This makes it harder for the dentist to complete the treatment correctly because the patient may have a difficult time informing their needs to the dentist or the assistant. As a result, the patient will not be able to cooperate with treatment if they are experiencing pain or discomfort . If the patient can not communicate to the dental staff that something is causing them pain or discomfort the patient is not only going to be very uncomfortable, but they are also going to remember the procedure as a traumatic

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Godless Constitution Essay - 1008 Words

The Godless Constitution nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;When some people here the words â€Å"the godless constitution† uttered the shrill up their noses and get very defensive. Kramnick and Moore address this idea of the United States Constitution being godless. They speak about how America has misinterpreted views and how society would benefit from an understanding of what the Constitution stands for and how to correctly use it. They strive to help America understand that politics driven by religion and faith would do the most damage to the political agenda. They also emphasize that America created the Constitution was created to make a person’s religious standing irrelevant to hold office or voice a political opinion. They cover many†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Kramnick and Moore also speak of beliefs of specific men in the history of the country. Roger Williams’ views, thought ahead of his time, led to a better understanding of why church and state is more benefi cial separated. His beliefs that religious purity and good government are two separate issues and should not intertwine. One major point that proclaims why a Christian’s view of government and religion should be separate is the fact that society, government, and nations play no part in God’s redemption. Roger Williams explains that officials are elected to be virtuous not Godly. They can act in a way they feel God would desire but not claim God’s name in their decision to protect the beliefs of their public. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Another man used greatly in concluding the godless Constitution is Thomas Jefferson. During his early public years his reputation was one of as an anti-Christian. He received many negative opinions about his stands and opinions. Kramnick and More chose to use Jefferson as an example of one who was misunderstood. The public believed that he would further immorality. His draft to separate church and state brought forth many different reactions from the publics. The people who desired to have a known Godly ways in the constitution believed that this would only further corruption in the United States. Others took into consideration the beliefs Jefferson and other leaders proclaimed to beShow MoreRelatedThe Godless Constitution1007 Words   |  5 PagesThe Godless Constitution When some people here the words the godless constitution uttered the shrill up their noses and get very defensive. Kramnick and Moore address this idea of the United States Constitution being godless. They speak about how America has misinterpreted views and how society would benefit from an understanding of what the Constitution stands for and how to correctly use it. They strive to help America understand that politics driven by religion and faith would do the mostRead MoreIs America A Christian Nation?2305 Words   |  10 PagesThis paper is a book critique of The Godless Constitution. The first chapter of the book is titled â€Å"Is America a Christian Nation?† and it is an introduction for the rest of the book. In this chapter, the main idea is to open the reader’s mind about that the constitution was created with the idea that religious believes will not influence in the politics of the nation. The authors state that â€Å"The principal framers of the America n political system wanted no religious parties in national politics†Read MoreSeparation Between Church And State1427 Words   |  6 PagesUnited States of America has been label a secular state since the signing of their ‘godless constitution’ in 1787. However despite the founding fathers wishes for a â€Å"wall of separation between church and state† , religious pressure groups and bias conservative politicians still seem to obtain the ability to pass laws or government policies that have pro - religious undertones. Since the signing of the American Constitution on September 17th, 1787, the United States has declared themselves a secular stateRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Columbine1305 Words   |  6 Pages Parents of the kids who were killed in the shooting were upset and fuming at the same time. When parents of the passed were allowed to pay respects to their children, Brian Rohrbough was almost censored when he called Columbine School District â€Å"godless† and ended with a bible verse, Isaiah 48:22, saying â€Å"There is no peace for the wicked†. This book shows the plan, execution and aftermath of the Columbine School Shooting, and shows the lasting effects, both physical and emotional, an event such asRead MoreA Significant Strength Of The Constitution Essay1217 Words   |  5 PagesA significant strength of the Constitution is that if it is followed, its language clearly guides disputes and helps settle any debate over issues of religion and politics. The framers intended it to do so and made its language simple and clear. The question is why American citizens insist upon disregarding the Constitution’s language. A simple answer is that by doing so, vari ous groups who attempt to twist the Constitution are attempting to do exactly what the document intends to prevent—theRead MoreEssay on Atheism, the Hidden Prejudice1362 Words   |  6 Pagesexception. Many of the early Colonists came to America fleeing religious persecution (Sagan 432). The first amendment in our Constitution protects our freedoms of speech, press, and religion. It also states that no law should be made against religious establishments, practices, or beliefs. It is probably not a coincidence that this is the first amendment to the Constitution. The founding fathers new the importance of religious tolerance and the separation of church and state. They did not wantRead More Politics and Religion of Iran Essay1039 Words   |  5 Pagesthe main problems with the Iranian government is that there is a duality and question of power between the main religious leader and the political leader. The supreme religious leader, as opposed to the political leader, a ccording to the Iranian Constitution, is specifically charged with various duties as leading the television and radio network to appointing personnel to the hugely powerful Guardian Council, which can overrule the parliament at will and dismiss the elected officials assuming powerRead More Separation Of Church And State Essay1747 Words   |  7 Pages15) But, because of the Supreme Courts continuous citing of a â€Å" wall of separation† and â€Å"separation of church and state†, the publics idea of the 1st amendments religion clause has been shaped by phrases which do not appear anywhere in the Constitution. The First Congress, which passed this Amendment in 1789, intended to prohibit the establishment of a national religion. In fact, they didnt mind the establishment of â€Å"official† religions by states. At the start of the American Revolution,Read MoreReligious Freedom Essay3039 Words   |  13 Pagesthe free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state. In addition to these personal letters, the founding fathers left a clear picture of their views in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. As Thomas Jefferson so eloquently put it, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit ofRead MoreGods and Men in the Book of Genesis1275 Words   |  5 Pagesthrough translations and institutions, pragmatically being adapted to fit the societies needs at a time. If we look at the philosophy behind reason, for example Socratic and Platonic beliefs of reason for the betterment of society we can see how a â€Å"godless† world can still function on faith. The philosophies that popularized the notion of question and reason also advocated the goal of better society. The God was moved from a giant, to a man, to some men and eventually into the hands of all men: a republic

Confusion †personal writing Free Essays

Rosie ran a brush through her copper-gold, long, silky hair and smiled contentedly. After a touch of lip-gloss was applied she was satisfied with her reflection, so she grabbed her jacket and bounded down to where her Mother was waiting. â€Å"Okay honey?† her Mum asked smiling. We will write a custom essay sample on Confusion – personal writing or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Yes, fine thank you Mum.† Rosie replied cheerfully. Rosie was adopted as a child and lived with her mother and adoptive brother in a renovated house in Yorkshire. Her Mother was single and Rosie had never had any contact with her natural parents. Rosie loved her life, she was seeing a lovely guy and her Mum and her were just going to the local shopping center were she was going to meet up with him. Rosie and her Mum, Nicola drove down the motorway in their Renault. It was a beautiful day, Rosie thought to herself as she gazed at the deep, blue sky making shapes in her mind out of the puffy, white candyfloss like clouds. Suddenly her head was thrown sideways against the window and a loud screeching filled her ears. Then all the noise, all the visions were gone and Rosie felt strangely peaceful. Rosie opened her eyes and all she could see was white. She tried to sit up but her head hurt so much she slumped back down again. From that position she tried to figure out her surroundings. She was looking straight upwards at a plain, white ceiling without a blemish on it. She slowly and painfully turned her head and was faced with a blue curtain. To puzzled to be panicked she tried to figure out where she was. She didn’t have long to wait. The blue curtain was yanked backed and an extremely harassed looking man looked in. â€Å"Let me see my daughter, where is she?† he was saying. â€Å"Please sir you’re disturbing the patients,† a nurse was telling him worriedly. â€Å"Oh thank goodness!† said the strange man and started hugging Rosie. At first Rosie was to shocked to respond and then she pushed him away with all the strength she could muster. â€Å"What do you think you are doing?† Rosie spluttered. â€Å"Darling, what’s the matter? What’s wrong?† the man asked Rosie, and then turning to the nurse he repeated, â€Å"What’s wrong? Why doesn’t she recognize me?† â€Å"I’m sorry, she’s been through a lot. She needs some rest, please come back later when things are a bit clearer to her.† â€Å"What do you mean?† the strange man demanded, his voice rising, â€Å"This is my only daughter lying here, I need to be with her.† † I realise you must be anxious but the best thing you can for your daughter now is to let her rest, so please I must ask you to leave.† Reasoned the nurse. The man seemed to be fighting a battle with himself to control his emotions. It looked like he won and he seemed to use a lot of self-restraint as he said, â€Å"Fine, I’ll see you later Jenny, and just remember Daddy loves you.† Then he walked out. â€Å"Try and get some rest dear.† Soothed the nurse, and then she followed him, shutting the curtain as she left. Jenny lay back, a million thoughts running through her head at once. How to cite Confusion – personal writing, Papers

Employer Associations and Modern Awards for Legitimacy Power

Question: Discuss about theEmployer Associations and Modern Awards for Legitimacy Power Answer: Introduction The modern awards system as applied in Australia has attracted the attention of various stakeholders. The employer associations have incessantly advocated for substantial changes on this awards system (McKell Institute n.d). Knox (2009) maintains that the issues regarding penalty flexibility and rates stemming from companies. The employer associations have made submissions relating the changing of modern awards systems. Studies have provided evidence showing that the associations are sensitive to the cost minimization goals (Craig Brown 2015). Indeed, the employer associations seem to enhance managerial prerogative instead of emphasizing performance and productivity. Based on this issue, the article will focus on managerial productivity, flexibility and prerogative and penalty rates. The discussion will pay attention to the modern awards changes. The management practices focus on cost efficiency, managerial and legitimacy power, and controllable flexibility (Boxall Purcell 2016). These management goals are critical in determining the organizational success and productivity. The identified goals have formed the basis of debate as stipulated by various employer associations. To this effect, the managers have recognized the significance of their roles that revolve around resource combination, allocation, and utilization to realize organizational objectives (Jackson 2015). Over the years, companies have observed significant changes relating to the involvement of employer association. The employee association have the responsibility to influencing and negotiating with the government and tribunals so that their issues and concerns can be addressed mutually as explained by Productivity Commission (2015). Studies have identified key system issues relating to employer associations (Grattan 2016). For instance, most of the association advocate for the restriction of union rights, penalty rates, and related provisions that incorporate procedural and substantial rules. The debate regarding modern awards began in 2012 that saw the leading employer associations opted to promote provisions that are more workable (Wooden 2012). The associations also campaigned for substantial changes on the modern awards systems. Without a doubt, the employer associations have had to deal with numerous submissions to the tribunals touching on different claims such as flexibility, public holidays, and penalty rates. Technically, the penalty rates are important to the affected stakeholders. As a result, they view penalties based on financial context and the related benefits associated with the workers payments, in particular when the employees work beyond the normal working hours (Markey 2015). Sloane (2014) states that the motivation of regulators is based on the penalty rates. These penalties are viewed in different forms such as worker compensation for the tasks performed during the unsociable hours. The regulator also uses the association to dissuade them from engagi ng in tasks within the historical unsociable hours. Sheldon and Thornwaite (2013) showed that the employer association advocate for the reviews of modern awards. To the employers, the award reviews offer opportunities for the associations and employers to campaign for the importance of these penalties in industrial operations within the unsociable hours. It is evident that companies prefer employer associations that enhance managerial prerogatives than performance and productivity. Indisputably, the employers should focus on the managerial productivity, which concerns the cost of resources (White 2017). Based on the debates, the push for reviewing the penalty rates seem to affect the retail and tourism industries. Arguably, the penalty rates provisions are unfriendly and require immediate review. Flexibility encompasses various components in the workplace context. This factor involves critical thinking about the lives of the working class. Healy (2016) held that employers should be flexible in structuring the rates that are in tandem with the business and individual needs. The individuals who advocated for the amendments of flexibility provisions and penalty rates paid attention to the manufacturing companies. White (2017) has identified the efforts the Australian government is making to respond to the needs of the employees. This has seen the employers compelled to pursue greater complexity. Interestingly, the greater flexibility focuses on the cashing and taking out the annual leaves to minimize costs. The cost cutting initiatives using the control measures have caused the underlying concepts relating to the managerial prerogative. According to (), the elevated managerial prerogative are unacceptable and many stakeholders view it as illegal because it emphasizes the aspects of managements unqualified authority in undertaking their discretion. The managers working under such prerogative provisions believe in an exclusive right to make decisions. Such managers resist interference with their control as explained by Duncan and Daly (2015). Barry (2016) explained the managerial prerogative based in the defensive context using aggressive industrial actions. In fact, the historical aspects affi rm that aggressive industrial actions have strengthened the managerial prerogative. Healy (2016) demonstrated the managerial prerogative based on the organizations decisions. This followed the efforts by the managers to participate in a lockout. To entrench the managerial prerogative, the employers wanted to participate in the aggressive bargaining strategies. These efforts ensured the disputes were escalated so that the managers access the arbitration that tends to affect the organization productivity. Indisputably, the managers should emphasize productivity by investing in greater efficiency and flexible and fair employment provisions. It is imperative for the managers to trust work systems that embrace fair working opportunities. According to Knox (2009), productivity is an important factor with economic connotation. It justifies that the organization utilizes its resources efficiently. It thus measures the achievement of workers using the output resulting from the utilization of the primary resources such as capital, land, and labour (Wooden 2012). Productivity and penalty rates are distinct based on the definition context. Wooden (2012) has identified the concerns relating to the Fair Work Act. White (2017) has reported that the Fair Work Commission considered increasing the minimum wage. In fact, the Australian Council of Trade Unions has advocated for A$45-a-week rise (Australian Council of Trade Unions 2015). According to the employer associations, the current business trends can rarely afford the proposed wage increases. To this effect, the industry wants the minimum wage to be capped at 1.5 percent. To the employer associations, the Fair Work Act hampers productivity growth, competitiveness, and workplace flexibility thus affirming that penalty rates can rarely affect the productivity rates (White 2017). Walsh (2015) affirmed the position of White (2017) relating the employers associations that value cost cutting efforts and instilling the managerial prerogative. To these employer associations, enhancing productivity and performance rarely supersede the managerial prerogative and cost cutting. Desloires and Dunckley (2015) have explored the impact of the Fair Work Act on the employer association. Based on the exploration, it is evident that the employers have lost managerial prerogative thus weakening their freedom to contract as explained by Wooden (2012). According to Hannan (2017), employers have completed disregarded the efforts to increase the penalty rate. They have opposed the proposal of penalty rates increase. However, the Fair Work Commission published the submission of various parties on how the tribunal should hand the issue, as it will affect over 600,000 workers (Hannan 2017). The move to apply the penalty rate would compel employers to avoid Sunday penalty rates. The current Sunday rates would double the regular wage thus pushing the costs as explained by Woodman (2014). Since employers favour cost cutting initiatives, they might be discouraged from offering the work at unsociable time. The Australian Hotel Association view the new rates to be unfair thus opposing the take-home pay. According to Hannan (2017), these employers argue that the take-home pay orders should be applied to part-time and permanent workers who worked for over 34 Sundays. The Pharmacy Guild of Australian also submitted that the penalty cuts in instalments could be offset by the current minimum wage (Hannan 2017, par. 4). Hannan (2017) further identified the Australian Retailers Association and the National Retail Association supported the penalty cuts but opposed any effort to introduce the take-home pay orders. The economic impact of penalty cut will be felt in the hospitality and retail industry. According to McKell Institute (n.d), the retail and hospitality industry accounts for over eighteen percent of the rural Australia workforce. This sector employs over 500,000 million. Therefore, any partial abolition of these penalties would see the rural Australia lose $691.5 million annually. In fact, full abortion of the penalty would impose worse situation to the rural Australia as they stand to lose $1.55 billion annually (Haynes 2017). Conclusion Based on the finding in this article, it has emerged that employer associations are disappointed with the equitable and productive workplace. The move to cut the penalty rates has affected the employers across Australia. In fact, the Fair Work Commission has advocated for an increase of minimum wage. Unfortunately, the employers have remained adamant to adopt the changes that entrench aspect of productivity and performance. The employer associations value managerial prerogative instead of enhancing productivity. This demonstrated that the employers are concerned with their managerial prerogative and cost cutting. Conversely, the amalgamation of various managerial concepts would enhance organizational competitiveness. The employer associations made submissions that appear to have obscured the significance of the issues relating to penalty rate cut, flexibility, and productivity. Interestingly, the employer associations appear to value the working conditions of managers at the expense of workforce. Bibliography Australian Council of Trade Unions. 2015, Turnbull must reject Productivity Commission call to cut take-home pay, 21 December [website], date accessed 18 April 2017. Barry, M. 2016 Employer and employer association matters in 2015, Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 340 - 355. Boxall, P. Purcell, J. 2016, Strategy and Human Resource Management, Third Edition, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, Chapter 1 The Goals of Human Resource Management, pp. 1-33. Craig, L. Brown, J.E. 2015, Nonstandard work and non-work activities, time alone and with others: Can weekend workers make up lost time? Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 3 23. Desloires, V. Dunckley, N. 2015, Employers step up efforts to get rid of penalty rates, Sydney Morning Herald, 3 January, page 1, [database], date accessed 18 April 2017. Duncan, A. Daly, A. 2015, Fact check QA: Are a lot of cafes and restaurants closing because of Sunday penalty rates?, The Conversation, August 17, Grattan, M. 2016, Penalty rate cut will hurt economy without helping business: Labour, The Conversation, March 21, [website], date accessed 19 April 2017. Hannan, E. 2017, Mar 24, Employers Call for Penalty Rate Cuts to be Imposed by July 2018, The Australian, Mar 24, [website], date accessed 19 April 2017. Healy, J. 2016, The Australian labour market in 2015, Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 308 323. Jackson, S. 2015, Frozen wages, insecure jobs, struggling youth, rising inequality, shrinking unions join the dots, The Conversation, November 26, [website], date accessed 20 April 2017. Knox, A. 2009, Better the devil you know? An analysis of employers bargaining preferences in the Australian hotel industry, Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 25-44. Markey, R. 2015, Myths about penalty rates and those who rely on them, The Conversation, November 16, [website], date accessed 19 April 2017. McKell Institute. (n.d), Who loses when penalty rates are cut? The economic impact of penalty rate cuts in Australias retail and hospitality industries. [website], date accessed 19 April 2017. Productivity Commission. 2015, Workplace Relations Framework Final Report, Productivity Commission Inquiry Report, vol. 1, no. 76, 30 November, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra. [website], date accessed 19 April 2017. Sheldon, P. Thornthwaite, L. 2013, Employer and employer association matters in 2012, Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 386-402. Sloane, J. 2014, Pay penalty rates, but not through awards system. Walsh, L. 2015, A day of rest: the costs of removing penalty rates, The Conversation, 3 February, [website], date accessed 18 April 2017. White, G. 2017, Explainer: how wage growth contributes to the economy, The Conversation, April 12, [website], date accessed 20 April 2017. Wooden, M. 2012, Penalty Rates in Awards: do we really need them?, The Conversation, 10 September, [website], date accessed 19 April 2017. Woodman, D. 2014, Before you call for penalty rates to be cut, try working a few Sundays, The Conversation, 19 August, [website], date accessed 17 April 2017.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Is Disobedience a Psychological and Moral Problem free essay sample

He states the disobedience and the willpower to say no and doubt are some of things that may prevent human beings form destroying the Earth. While Erich Fromm’s essay is certainly interesting to read, some of his ideas and statements are outrageous. It is because of these claims I have to partially disagree with the general idea with his essay. In the following paragraphs I will be showing, contrary to Fromm’s idea, that both disobedience and obedience are good and bad. In his essay â€Å"Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem,† Erich Fromm discuses in depth the differences between disobedience and obedience. He asks why an individual finds it hard to disobey, or why an individual very easily obeys. He also writes about the different types of obedience and disobedience and the effects of these two acts on the human world. Fromm states â€Å"Human history began with an act of Deonandan 2 disobedience, and it is not unlikely that it will be terminated by an act of obedience. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Disobedience a Psychological and Moral Problem? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † (402) He seems to believe that obeying without question might have serious consequences for human beings. He also states that if an individual decides to disobey, that individual must be willing to be alone. That individual must be willing to be one in a million when he or she disobeys. He goes on to state that there are different types of obedience; heteronymous and autonomous. While heteronymous obedience is obedience to another, autonomous is obedience to oneself. He also points out there are also two types of consciences; authoritarian and humanistic. While humanistic conscience is the part of humans that is not affected by anyone, authoritarian is the part that is influenced by others, although we are not always aware of this. Fromm claims that this authoritarian conscience is the one we always want to please. We want to please it so much that sometimes we go against our humanistic conscience. He furthers points out for an individual to obey one form of conscience, that individual may be disobeying the other form of conscience. That is to say if you were to obey what you think society think is right, you would be disobeying what you truly believe in. He then goes on to state that there are two types of authority; rational and irrational. With rational authority, all parties that are involved are not harmed or hurt in anyway, but they all reap the benefits of their actions, with irrational authority only the authoritative party reaps the benefits, the other party only gets harmed. He states that only when individuals is free to think for themselves are they able to disobey authority. Therefore freedom and disobedience goes hand in hand. He also states that although human beings have not lost the willpower to Deonandan 3 disobey, they obey without questioning or doubting. When they do this, they are termed an â€Å"organization man. when human beings become this type of person, they have the potential to end all life on Earth. This is so Deonandan 3 because they do not feel responsible for their actions and do not care what the consequences of their actions may be. Fromm uses certain religious, social and cultural occurrences and stories that he considers significant to his idea that disobedience and obedience without questioning is bad. He does this by citing biblical and Greek myths and stories. He also seems to be influenced by the cold war, a time when the end of the world was always on people’s mind. He tries to convince his readers by targeting their emotions and morals. He does this through statements such as â€Å"At the same time the slave tries to defend as best he can his claims for a minimum of happiness† (405) and â€Å" And so would we- and so do we. † (406) While Fromm tries to win his readers by doing this, he does not seem to realize that some of readers may not be aware of some of the stories and occurrences. He does not think that some readers may not find some of his references influential. He also seems to think that individuals will believe him, regardless to the absence of facts in his essay. Erich Fromm claims that human beings came into existence because of certain acts of disobedience. I strongly disagree with this statement. I do so because Fromm provides only stories and myths as basis for his claims. He does not provide any hard core facts. While some readers may believe this claim, I can assure you they only do this because of cultural and religious convictions. When he points out that human beings have progressed because of acts of disobedience, I partially agree. I think that we as human Deonandan 4 eings have made huge strides socially because of some acts of disobedience. Some of these include the abolition of slavery, democracy and social equality. I also realize that while these may be seen as acts of disobedience to authority(rulers and masters) but they must also be seen as obedience to moral and ethical laws. I also disagree with his question, â€Å" why is man so prone to obey and why is it so difficult for to disobey? †(405) I think that humans ha ve to have something to obey because without something to obey we would just wander around aimlessly. Now before you say that I am claiming that humans do not want to be free and cannot think for themselves. Let me clarify by saying that in order for modern society to function properly, there must be some obedience to authority and laws. I also think that in society today human beings do not find it hard to disobey anything, it is just that there are not that many oppressing things. I also believe that if there were too many acts of disobedience, there would be a lot more instability and chaos in society not peace. They way we as humans like it. In conclusion, I think that Erich Fromm’s essay â€Å"Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem† was very intriguing and extremely controversial. I also think that it was a honest effort by the author to share his ideas with the public. I would suggested to Fromm to use facts not stories and myths to back up his claims. I think that Fromm was trying to say that disobedience is good while obedience without questioning is bad but this was just his view. I strongly believe that both acts has its own good and bad points.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Human Factors Analysis Crash of Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701 Essay Example For Students

The Human Factors Analysis: Crash of Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701 Essay The Human Factors Analysis: Clang of Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701. The aircraft accident study and analysis, look into all processs and challenges affecting air power safety issues. From a human factor point of view, most air power accidents are attributed to human-machine mistakes. Integrating psychological scientific discipline and safer environments into a multidisciplinary attack improves the extenuation procedure. Underscoring the belongingss of human factors, influence, restrictions, and applications in air power industry could present new ways to extenuate human mistake. Correlating human factors in aircraft accidents evolved the ability to break the safety procedure in a work environment. We will write a custom essay on The Human Factors Analysis: Crash of Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Another term in human factors is the rule of work public presentation and situational consciousness. In both instances, they present a challenge to the air power industry. Work public presentation and deficiency of situational consciousness can be classified as knowing and unwilled mistake. Unintentional mistake is attributed to the bad cognitive judgement and action. Equally good as knowing mistake, which correspond to the misdemeanor of safety patterns and processs. To extenuate human mistake, critical stairss to advance safety patterns, procedures, and good determination devising is implemented. But, keeping the effectivity of a safety direction system, particularly aviation safety, proactive communicating and human interactions can forestall or pull off the figure of safety-related air power accidents and incidents. The function of human factors in air power encompasses a broad scope of proficient and mechanical failures. But, understanding the human mistake and its belongingss represents a challenge to the air power industry. Even now, to extenuate human factor in a on the job environment a important behavioural analysis can beef up the extenuation procedure. As a general attack, air power industry uses the subjects of cognitive scientific discipline to understand the logical thinking behind the human mistake. Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701: Events and Findingss. Human factors and the ergonomic undertaking analysis in air power constitute a great per centum of all major air power accidents. Depending on the accident fortunes, human mistake is identified as a conducive factor. It is critical that the research worker place the likely causes accident for a future safety mention. In add-on, the accident probe requires a thorough study that includes the primary findings, actions, and recommendation. Let analyze the â€Å"Crash of Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701, Jefferson City, Missouri October 14, 2004. The flight was runing under the 14 Code of Federal Regulations ( CFR ) Part 91† ( National Transportation Safety Board, 2007, p. 1 ) . At 2215:06 Pinnacle Airlines flight 3701 crashed into a residential country of Jefferson City, Missouri. Both engines flamed out when the pilot induced an aerodynamic stall and were unable to re-start. The captain and first officer ( OF ) were killed in the clang. During the acclivity, the captain induced three offprint pitched up manoeuvres doing an increase on the pitch angle and a perpendicular burden. ( National Transportation Safety Board, 2007, pp. 12, parity. 1 ) The flight informations entering system ( FDR ) showed that the pilot engaged in inordinate pitch airplane-nose-down ( AND ) and airplane nose-up ( ANU ) manoeuvres. Between 2127:15 and 2127:17, the FDR information confirmed the automatic pilot was disengaged during the 2nd ANU manoeuvre at 15,000 pess. A few seconds subsequently and at 24,600 pess, the aircraft was on a degree flight place. A 3rd pitch-up manoeuvre was followed after the degree flight place ensuing in an increase on the pitch angle and perpendicular burden. During the air traffic control ( ATC ) transcript alteration, â€Å"the aircraft maximal climb rate of 41,000 pess was cleared by the ACT. Further transcript analysis revealed that at the maximal ascent rate, the aircraft perpendicular velocity was approximative 500 fpm† ( National Transportation Safety Board, 2007, pp. 14, parity. 1-3 ) . .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 , .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 .postImageUrl , .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 , .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5:hover , .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5:visited , .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5:active { border:0!important; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5:active , .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5 .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u13da94bf9cd2cab140f70e19a0a0ace5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Inspector Calls Essay SummaryBetween 2152:22 and 2124:36, the cockpit voice recording equipment ( CVR ) indicated the flight crew recognize the aircraft maximal height and the crew decided to go on at 41,000 pess. The CVR besides revealed the ACT concerns at that height. After the 2nd pitch-up manoeuvre, â€Å"the FDR information showed an increase in the angle of onslaught ( AOA ) from 7a? ° to 12a? ° and shortly after to a decrease of -20a? °Ã¢â‚¬  ( National Transportation Safety Board, 2007, pp. 15, parity. 1-5 ) . After the aircraft entered an aerodynamic stall, the FDR and CVR informations recorder the dual engine failure after the unsuccessful recovery from the stall place. About 2201:5 the pilots initiate the subsidiary power unit ( APU ) bleed air restart. Between 2203:09 and 2208:17, the engine failure continued and the crew was forced to fall at a rate of 1,500 pess per minute. About two proceedingss subsequently, the air traffic accountant asked the pilots perform a landing attack to the closest airdrome. The traffic accountant cleared Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701 to the closest airdrome, runway 30 at Jefferson Memorial Airport ( JEF ) . At 2214:02, after interchanging the set downing attack information with the air traffic accountant, the crew realized the failed attack. About 2214:53 and 2215:00, the CVR recorded the aircraft concluding attack at.58 maritime stat mis ( NM ) and at an height of 930 pess. Seconds subsequently, the low terrain dismaying sound and six second after the aircraft impacted the land. Brief great sum-up of the accident fortunes in a well-supported organize and logical mode. Primary findings: place the factors lending to the job, accurate inside informations with external beginnings. From a human factor point of view. Aircraft accident study composing and analysis. Accident probe processs and challenges. Critical idea affecting air power safety issues.-p.12 Recommendations1 Clearly province the important of the job and relevant constructs, theories, results prediction that supports immediate actions to decide the job, outside beginnings. Kd ; flkd FAA actions on the recommendations. Primary air power safety issues associated with the accident. Alternate actions ( 2 each-advantage and disad ) : attack to work out the job, ground for alternate advantages and disadvantages and give the cause for contemplation on the consequence of implementing one or the other. K ; deciliter Industry Executions of the Recommendations. Status of the recommendations and what has been done since the accident to forestall return. Reason is clear. Advantages and disadvantages are thought arousing. Answer the inquiry. â€Å"What if we tried something wholly different? † A determination to implement could likely merely be made and strongly defended without permission. Fks ; dfks ; . ( Last Name, Year ) Mentions Last Name, F. M. ( Year ) . Article Title.Journal Title, Pages From To. Last Name, F. M. ( Year ) .Book Title.City Name: Publisher Name. National Transportation Safety Board. F.M. ( January 9, 2007 ) . Crash of Pinnacle Airlines Flight 3701 Bombardier CL-600-2B19, N8396A Jefferson City, Missouri October 14, 2004, p.1. Retrieved hypertext transfer protocol: // Footnotes 1 Tables Table 1 Column Head Column Head Column Head Column Head Column Head Row Head 123 123 123 123 Row Head 456 456 456 456 Row Head 789 789 789 789 Row Head 123 123 123 123 Row Head 456 456 456 456 Row Head 789 789 789 789 Note: Figures Figure 1. For more information about all elements of APA data format, delight confer with the APA Style Manual, 6th Edition.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

When To Use Accents and Diacritical Marks in Spanish

When To Use Accents and Diacritical Marks in Spanish The most immediately obvious difference between written Spanish and written English is Spanishs use of written accents, and occasionally of diereses (also known as umlauts). Both of these features are known as diacritical marks. Beginning Spanish students usually learn right away that the main use of the accent is to help with pronunciation, and specifically in telling the speaker which syllable of a word should be stressed. However, accents also have other uses, such as distinguishing between certain homonyms, parts of speech, and indicating a question. The only use of the dieresis is to assist in pronunciation. Here are the basic rules for using the written accent and the dieresis: Stress The rules for determining which syllable should be stressed are quite simple in Spanish. Accents are used to indicate exceptions to the rules. Here are the basic rules: If a word ends in a vowel, the letter s, or the letter n, the stress is on the next to last syllable.In other words without an accent, the stress is on the last syllable. Simply put, if the stress is on a syllable other than that indicated above, an accent is used to indicate where the stress is placed. Following are a few examples, with the approximate pronunciation in phonetic English. Note that a vowel may either gain or lose an accent when a word is put into plural or singular form. See the rules on pluralization for other examples. examen (egg-SAH-men)exmenes (eggs-SAH-men-ess)muà ±Ãƒ ³n (moon-YOHN)muà ±ones (moon-YOHN-ness)cancià ³n (kahn-SEEOHN)canciones (kahn-SEEOHN-ess) Distinguishing Homonyms Homonym pairs are separate words that have different meanings even though they sound alike. Here are some of the most common ones: de, of, from; dà © first- and third-person singular subjunctive form of dar, to give)el, the; à ©l, hemas, but; ms, moremi, my; mà ­, me;se, a reflexive and indirect object pronoun used in various ways; sà ©, I knowsi, if; sà ­, yessolo, only (adjective), single, alone; sà ³lo, only (adverb), solelyte, you (as an object); tà ©, teatu, your; tà º, you Demonstrative Pronouns Although the spelling reform of 2010 means they arent strictly necessary except to avoid confusion, accents also are traditionally used in Spanish on demonstrative pronouns to distinguish them from demonstrative adjectives. Talk about demonstrative parts of speech might sound like a mouthful, so its probably best to remember that in English were simply talking about the words this, that, these and those. In English, those words can be either adjectives or pronouns. In I like this book, this is an adjective; in I like this, this is a pronoun, since it stands for a noun. Here are the same sentences in Spanish: Me gusta este libro, I like this book. Me gusta à ©ste, translated as either I like this or I like this one. Note that when used as a pronoun, à ©ste traditionally has a written accent. In Spanish the demonstrative pronouns in the singular masculine form are à ©ste, à ©se, and aquà ©l, and the corresponding adjectives are este, ese, and aquel. Although distinguishing the meanings of these pronouns goes beyond the scope of this lesson, suffice it to say here that este/à ©ste corresponds roughly to this, while both ese/à ©se and aquel/aquà ©l can be translated as that. Items with which aquel/aquà ©l are used are farther from the speaker. Quiero aquel libro could be translated as I want the book thats over there. The following chart shows the various forms of the demonstrative pronouns (with the traditional accents) and adjectives, including the feminine and plural forms: Quiero este libro, I want this book. Quiero à ©ste, I want this one. Quiero estos libros, I want these books. Quiero à ©stos, I want these ones. Quiero esta camisa, I want this shirt. Quiero à ©sta, I want this one. Quiero estas camisas, I want these shirts. Quiero à ©stas, I want these ones.Quiero ese libro, I want that book. Quiero à ©se, I want that one. Quiero esos libros, I want those books. Quiero à ©sos, I want those ones. Quiero esa camisa, I want that shirt. Quiero à ©sa, I want that one. Quiero esas camisas, I want those shirts. Quiero à ©sas, I want those ones.Quiero aquel libro, I want that book over there. Quiero aquà ©l, I want that one over there. Quiero aquellos libros, I want those books over there. Quiero aquà ©llos, I want those ones over there. Quiero aquellas camisas, I want those shirts over there. Quiero aquà ©llas, I want those ones over there. There are also neuter variations of these pronouns (eso, esto, and aquello), and they are not accented because there are no corresponding neuter adjective forms. Interrogatives: A number of words are accented when they are used in a question (including an indirect question) or exclamation, but they arent otherwise accented. Such words are listed below:  ¿Adà ³nde? Where (to)? ¿Adà ³nde vas? Where are you going? ¿Cà ³mo? How? ¿Cà ³mo ests? How are you? ¿Cul?  ¿Cules? Which one? Which ones? ¿Cul es ms caro? Which one is more expensive? ¿Cundo? When?  ¿Cundo sales? When are you leaving? ¿Cunto?  ¿Cunta?  ¿Cuntos?  ¿Cuntas? How much? How many?  ¿Cuntos pesos cuesta el libro? How many pesos does the book cost? ¿Dà ³nde? Where?  ¿De dà ³nde es usted? Where are you from? ¿Por quà ©? Why?  ¿Por quà © vas? Why are you going? ¿Quà ©? What? Which?  ¿Quà © libro prefieres? What book do you prefer? ¿Quià ©n?  ¿Quienes? Who? Whom?  ¿Quià ©nes quieren mi libro? Who wants my book? Diereses: The dieresis (or umlaut) is used above the u when the u is sounded in the combinations of gà ¼i or gà ¼e. Without the umlaut, known as la dià ©resis or la crema in Spanish, the u would be silent, serving only to indicate that the g is pronounced as a hard g rather than similar to the j. (For example, guey with no umlaut would sound something like gay.) Among the words with umlauts are vergà ¼enza, shame; cigà ¼eà ±a, stork or crank; pingà ¼ino, penguin; and agà ¼ero, prediction.